"The Three C's"
"The Three C's"
The following are suggestions for parents to help themselves and their family members/children in difficult times.
Focus on the Three C’s
1. Comfort
Share meals and provide more comfort foods than usual. (Comfort food makes you feel better when you're feeling bad. Most often it is associated with childhood memories - the special food or treat that your Mother or Grandma gave you when you weren't feeling well.)
Plan family time – game night, exercise
Work on a project
Enjoy laughter
Reach out to your network of family and friends
Engage in activities that are fun, relaxing and pleasant
2. Conversation
Offer reassurance
Ask thoughtful questions (see "Helping your child conquer his/her fears")
Listen carefully
Share your beliefs and values
3. Commitment
Set a good example, be calm, do not present your child with your own fears
Participate in school and community activities
Help your neighbors (do chores or small errands)
Reach out supportively to friends and family
Be optimistic

How to Help your Family Member(s)
1. Spend time with each other as a family.
2. Compliment each other on smiles (even if it’s ONLY when they get their way), hugs (ALWAYS), chores (even if they aren’t done to perfection), going to school (even if it was difficult to get up and ready), and their love (a child’s love for you is unconditional).
3. Respect each other—his/her ideas, thoughts, feelings, and words.
4. Resolve problems in a constructive way.
5. Talk with each other everyday openly and honestly!
6. Listen carefully to what others are saying and don’t always offer advice, they may just need you to listen.
7. Plan activities with your family, and follow through with promises (kids never forget promises).
8. Show each family member true appreciation.
9. Take an active role in your community to teach your family morals and values.
10. Remember the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would like done unto you!”
11. Help each other and, more importantly, be willing to accept others help offered to you.
12. Celebrate your family’s strengths each day by asking what was the best part of today. If your child says it was a bad day, ask what helped him or her make it through this tough day. And then support his or her effort.